Paragraph on Blood Donation

Paragraph On Blood Donation means giving something unconditionally. Blood donation means giving blood unconditionally. It is a noble act towards human

Paragraph On Blood Donation

Paragraph On Blood Donation

Donation means giving something unconditionally. Blood donation means giving blood unconditionally. It is a noble act towards humanity. Blood is donated to save others' life. Blood supply is the only substitute for blood deficiency. Hence blood donation and blood collection are essential today for the survival of humanity. It is necessary to be transfused in the body that undergoes serious operations. Injured persons also need blood to make good the loss caused by accidents. There are some persons who need to change the total blood of their bodies at regular intervals. Donating blood is not a difficult job. The donor lies down and the doctor draws about 450 cc of blood from a vein in the arm. It takes only 10 minutes. A person can donate blood after every 4 months. It does not cause any harm to the donor but saves other lives. The loss is automatically compensated in about a month. Some voluntary organizations have come forward with the noble motto of collecting blood and giving them to serious patients. They launch the campaign to motivate people to donate blood. However, the practice of voluntary blood donation is increasing rapidly in recent years. Some poor people are also found to sell blood. We hope that more people will come forward to donate blood in order to make up for the deficits prevailing in our blood banks. Able-bodied persons should donate blood to help suffering patients.

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