Paragraph on Caretaker Government

Paragraph on Caretaker Government is a new concept in politics innovated by the politicians of Bangladesh. If the general election is held with the

Paragraph on Caretaker Government

Paragraph on Caretaker Government

Caretaker Government is a new concept in politics innovated by the politicians of Bangladesh. If the general election is held with the ruling party still in power, there are greater chances of vote rigging and malpractices in it. So in order to hold the parliamentary election in a free, fair, and neutral manner, it was decided on March 26, 1996, to form a Caretaker Government. According to it the retired last chief justice of the Bangladesh Supreme Court will be the chief adviser of the Caretaker Government. The parliament, after completing its normal tenure, will step aside by handing over power to the Caretaker Government. The Chief Advisor will appoint other advisers from amongst the reputed and neutral personalities of different professions. It is the duty of the Caretaker Government to hold the General Election of the National Assembly within 90 days of their taking power. It installs the newly elected government and transfers power to it. Then it goes out of the office. Thus Caretaker Government is a government for the interim period and Justice Habibur Rahman was the Chief Adviser of the first Caretaker Government of Bangladesh.

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