Paragraph on Civic Sense

Paragraph On Civic Sense or consciousness is necessary for living a peaceful life. A great many people live together in a town. So good peaceful live

Paragraph On Civic Sense

Paragraph On Civic Sense

Civic sense or consciousness is necessary for living a peaceful life. A great many people live together in a town. So good peaceful living demands from the citizen's certain behaviors regarding health, sanitation, law, and order. If a person throws litter on the street, builds a house in such a way that it causes inconvenience to his neighbors, or plays music so loudly that it causes disturbances to others, then living in a city becomes a hellish experience. Again the state demands of the citizens certain duties and responsibilities. They should pay taxes, vote, and help the authorities in maintaining law and order, health, and sanitation of the country. In a world, a good citizen must be aware of his duties to the state, his neighbors, and the public in general. Without this awareness, no one can be a good citizen and without good citizens, no state or country can be a good one. None but good civic sense can make a town or a country worth living.

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