Paragraph On Cyclone

Paragraph On Cyclone is a violent storm in which strong winds move in a circle with low pressure at the Centre. It occurs in our country several times

Paragraph On Cyclone

Paragraph On Cyclone

When a storm revolves violently around a center, it is termed a cyclone. It moves at a high speed ranging from forty to one hundred or more kilometers per hour. A cyclone may occur at any time and at any place. The violent types of cyclones usually hit the tropics. The cyclone of Bangladesh generally originates from the Bay-Of-Bengal and blows towards that land. It is often accompanied by thunders and heavy showers. Before a cyclone commences unbearable heat is felt for a few days. Then suddenly one day the sky becomes terribly dark with clouds and strong winds begin to blow with flashes of lightning and the rumbling of thunders. Thus a terrible situation is created that lasts for a few hours. It causes a great havoc. A lot of people and other animals die, and Dwelling houses are blown away. The tidal bore and the heavy showers wash away the stores of foodstuff and leave marks of terrible damage. The cyclone is usually followed by the scarcity of food and outbreak of various diseases such as cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, fever, etc. which spread all over the affected areas. However, the great loss caused by cyclones can be reduced to a substantial extent. Using modern technologies of weather forecasting, prior warnings can be given to the people who are likely to be affected by the cyclone. The people and their domestic animals can be shifted to the cyclone shelters. Moreover, quick relief, medical treatment, and essential medicines should be made available to the affected people after a terrible cyclone.


শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Revolve (v) - ঘুরে;
  • Violently (adv.) - প্রবলভাবে;
  • Center (n) - মাঝখানে;
  • Occur (v) - সংগঠিত হওয়া;
  • Usually (adv.) - সাধারণত;
  • Tropics (n) - গ্রীষ্মমন্ডলীয় অঞ্চলসমূহ;
  • Originate (v) - উৎপত্তি হয়;
  • Bay-of-Bengal (n) - বঙ্গোপসাগর;
  • Thunder (n) - বজ্রদ্ধনি;
  • Heavy shower – প্রবল বৃষ্টি;
  • Commence (v) - ঘটায়;
  • Unbearable heat – অসহনীয় তাপ;
  • Suddenly (adv.) – হঠাৎ;
  • Flashes of lightning – বিদ্যুৎ ঝলাকানি;
  • Rumbling of thunders -গুড় গুড় বজ্রধ্বনি;
  • Terrible situation – ভয়ংকর পরিস্থিতি;
  • Havoc (n) - ধ্বংস;
  • Dwelling house - আবাসগৃহ;
  • Are blown away - উড়িয়ে নিয়ে যায়;
  • Tidal bore - জলোচ্ছ্বাস;
  • Scarcity of food – খাদ্য সংকট;
  • Outbreak of various diseases - বিভিন্ন রোগের প্রাদুর্ভাব;
  • Affected areas - ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত এলাকা;
  • Weather forecast - আবহাওয়া পূর্বাভাস;
  • Prior warning - পূর্ব সতর্কতা;
  • Domestic animal - গবাদি পশু;
  • Relief (n) - ত্রাণ;
  • Medical treatment- চিকিৎসা সেবা;
  • Affected people ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত লোক;


Another One


A cyclone is a violent storm in which strong winds move in a circle with low pressure at the Centre. It occurs in our country several times in the latter part of the year. All of them originate in the Bay of Bengal and move towards Bangladesh and India. The cyclone is always accompanied by heavy rainfall and tidal bore. Sometimes the bore is so high and violent that it inundates the coastal districts of our country. The cyclone blows away houses and trees and the bore washes away everything killing thousands of people and cattle. The cyclone of 1970 killed more than 5 lakh people and the cyclone killed about two lakh people in 1991. Though the cyclone causes immense losses to the lives and properties in the coastal areas, it becomes weaker when it moves further to the north. The Sundarbans slow down the speed of the cyclone and protect greater Khulna and Jessore from its fury.


Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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