Paragraph On May Day

Paragraph On May Day is a historical day. The worker of Chicago protested against the inhuman pressure of work and exploitation in 1886. They demanded

Paragraph On May Day

Paragraph On May Day

May Day is a historical day. The worker of Chicago protested against the inhuman pressure of work and exploitation in 1886. They demanded a time limit for work and other basic facilities for the workers. In fact, they raised their voice for their recognition as men. In consequence, in the month of May 1886, the streets of Chicago city of America were red with the warm blood of the workers. The capitalist government and its agent adopted every possible means to shake the voice of the workers. Police shot upon the strike labours and at least one man was killed. But the undaunted workers came out successful in sacrificing their lives. The demand for eight hours of working time instead of twelve or thirteen hours was accepted and they were provided with some amenities life. May Day has been a symbol for the workers all over the world. This day makes unity among the workers in the world. May Day is a spirit of international brotherhood and unity of the workers. Therefore, all the workers should be inspirited to keep the honor of the day.

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