Paragraph On Charity

Paragraph On Charity is a desire of the heart to help others in distress and to think good of others. It is one kind of noble human quality. It makes

Paragraph On Charity 

Paragraph On Charity

Charity is a desire of the heart to help others in distress and to think good of others. It is one kind of noble human quality. It makes our hearts bountiful. It is an expression of love for human beings and the creation of Allah. Charity comes to mitigate the sufferings of humanity. It aims at improving the condition of the poor. This quality brings happiness on earth, strengthens the ties of the relationship among men, removes enmity, and creates fellow feelings. There are various ways of practicing charity. The practice of giving alms is an act of charity. But it is not charity in all cases. Charity should be extended to help the really needy. Charity is not to be measured in terms of money. It should be measured by the sacrifice one makes. Charity should be extended to all irrespective of color and creed. Charity should be extended to the deserving. It should not be given only for show, name, and fame. There is a proverb ‘’Charity begins at home’’. So we should practice the habit of charity at home in our childhood. We should be sympathetic to others and inspire our children to achieve this noble virtue.  Haji Mohammad Mohsin made a gift of all his wealth for the education and well-being of the poor. Even a small gift can remove the sorrow of the distressed. All religions of the world encourage charity.

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