Paragraph On Child Labour in Bangladesh

Paragraph On Child Labour in Bangladesh being an underdeveloped country is beset with lots of problems. Child labour is one of them. It has become a

Paragraph On Child Labour in Bangladesh

Paragraph On Child Labour in Bangladesh

Bangladesh being an underdeveloped country is beset with lots of problems. Child labour is one of them. It has become a common affair in Bangladesh. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has observed that Bangladesh is heavily engaged in utilizing child labour in a very immoral way. Generally, children are supposed to have nutritious food, clean clothes, and a good environment for education and medication, they will be always in a merry mood playing in the field with other children. But the actual scene that we see in Bangladesh and many other underdeveloped countries is totally different. In these countries, millions of children are engaged in various odd jobs such as working in garment factories, workshops, shops, hotels, and as house servants. They have to work round the clock without any rest. But child labour is prejudicial to human rights. It is a sin against humanity. Today, children are the future adult people and if a large number of our future adults are oppressed and exploited, we can not accept a potential future. So child labour is a sad reality. It is a heinous act of our massive development. If it is allowed, the whole nation suffers one day. However, the situation in the field of child labour has already attracted international attention. In our land, a new dimension has been created under the Ministry of social services. It has started working in collaboration with UNESCO and UNICEF. Some NGOs, with the help of the government, has taken a number of programming to get rid of this problem. The situation is improving and we hope that very soon our country will be free from the curse of child labour. 

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