Paragraph On Child Trafficking

Paragraph On Child Trafficking had become a menacing problem in our country. It has drawn the attention of all the law-enforcing agencies of the gover

Paragraph On Child Trafficking

Paragraph On Child Trafficking

Child trafficking had become a menacing problem in our country. It has drawn the attention of all the law-enforcing agencies of the government, the international human rights organization, and national and international printing and electronic media. It is now a regular phenomenon. Whenever we turn over the pages of the national dailies, we have to come across many news child trafficking. The criminals or illegal traders have included children in their list as commodities. They make the children fall into their trap and children fall prey at their hands. The criminals normally offer the innocent child candy, apples, sweets toys, money, and such attractive gifts. The poor children loitering here and there in the street alone or going to school without any guardians normally respond to their call.  The traffickers catch them at different values.   Sometimes children are kidnapped. Sometimes the traffickers buy children from local argent at a very high rate. The dishonest and unscrupulous traders carry them to other countries and sell them there. Thus the child traffickers make hundreds of parents go mad losing their dearest sons or daughters. The government with its law enforcing agencies is up and doing. Still, the traffickers go on doing their inhuman business year after year under the shelter of some dishonest members of law enforcement agencies or some dishonest political leaders. After the child has been sold it becomes an object of inhuman and unbelievable torture. So we hope that the press, the government, the political leaders, and law enforcement agencies will be more honest and sincere to stop the cures of child trafficking by coming forward with newer policies.

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