Paragraph on Deforestation Or Indiscriminate cutting of Trees

Paragraph On Deforestation means the indiscriminate cutting down of trees in large numbers in a place. Trees are useful to us in various ways. They

Paragraph On Deforestation

Paragraph On Deforestation

Deforestation or Indiscriminate cutting of trees means cutting down trees in large numbers. The causes of deforestation are many. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. This huge population needs more shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture, etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. Moreover, some dishonest people cut trees in our forests to make money. The effects of deforestation are too many to describe. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existence of animals is going to be threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed by the sea in recent future. On the other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as a result of deforestation. It also causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give protection to the soil as well. In the end, the soil gets sediment in the river bed and causes frequent floods. So, if we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn into a great desert. They will be destroyed. There will be no rain and as a result, our agriculture will face a great crisis. The country will be unsuitable for living and various natural calamities like floods, drought, storms, etc. will visit our country. Immediate measures should be taken to prevent deforestation. People should be made aware of tree plantation country through mass media. The tree plantation programme should be extended throughout the country.


শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Deforestation (n) – বন উজাড়করণ;
  • Cutting down - কাটা;
  • Large number – ব্যপক সংখ্যায়;
  • Densely populated country in the world – পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে ঘনবসতিপূর্ণ দেশ;
  • In proportion to its area – এর আয়তনের তুলনায়;
  • Need (v) – প্রয়োজন হওয়া;
  • Shelter (n) – আশ্রয়;
  • Agricultural land – কৃষি জমি;
  • Fuel (n) – জ্বালানী;
  • Furniture (n) – আসবাবপত্র;
  • Dishonest (adj.) – অসৎ;
  • Describe (v) – বর্ণনা করা;
  • Destruction (n) - ধ্বংস;
  • Disturb (v) – বাধাগ্রস্ত করা;
  • Ecological balance – পরিবেশের ভারসাম্যতা;
  • Existence (n) – অস্তিত্ব
  • Threaten (v) – ভয় দেখান;
  • Worldwide (n) - বিশ্বব্যাপী;
  • Sea level (n) – সমুদ্রপৃষ্ঠ;
  • Is going to be engulfed – গ্রাস হওয়ার পথে;
  • Turn (v) – রুপান্তরিত হওয়া;
  • As a result (ph.) - ফলশ্রুতিতে;
  • Removal of trees – বৃক্ষ দুরীকরণ;
  • Protection (n) – সংরক্ষণ;
  • In the end (ph.) - অবশেষে;
  • Sediment (n) - তলানী;
  • Frequent (adj.) – ঘন ঘন;
  • At random (ph.) – নির্বিচারে;
  • Desert (n) - মরুভূমি;
  • Face (v) – সম্মুখীন হওয়া;
  • A great crisis – বড় ধরনের সংকট;
  • Temperature (n) – তাপমাত্রা;
  • Various natural calamities – বিভিন্ন ধরনের প্রাকৃতিক বিপর্যয়;
  • Drought (n) - খরা;
  • Immediate measures – দ্রুত ব্যবস্থা;
  • Prevent (v) – প্রতিরোধ করা;
  • Aware (adj.) – সতর্ক;

Another One


Deforestation means the indiscriminate cutting down of trees in large numbers in a place. Trees are useful to us in various ways. They provide us with food, wood, and other products. They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and floods. They play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. They supply oxygen and take carbon dioxide. But to meet the basic needs of food and housing, people are cutting down trees without caring about the ecological balance. Moreover, to draw quick profit from trees, men cut them down in large numbers. Trees are destroyed mostly for being used as firewood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads to soil erosion deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. So, we have to realize the bad effects of deforestation. In fact, if deforestation goes in our country will be changed into a desert. So, afforestation programmes should be taken. There should be a ban on cutting down trees. We cannot cooperate with nature. For our own safety and existence, deforestation should be stopped now.


Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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