Paragraph on Dangers of Smoking

Paragraph On Dangers of Smoking is a dangerous bad habit. The danger of smoking is a beggar description. It is so dangerous that it may cause cancer,

Paragraph On Dangers of Smoking

Paragraph On Dangers of Smoking

It goes without saying that smoking is a dangerously bad habit. It causes many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, and some other diseases. One puff of a cigarette contains fifteen billion particles of injurious matter. Nicotine is one of them. It prevents the free flow of blood through the veins. This reduces the supply of oxygen in the body. It damages our lungs. People addicted to smoking lose their appetite for food and energy for power. Smoking also pollutes the environment and the air. Besides, it causes irritation in the eye, offends the nose, and unsettles the mind. Smoking is so dangerous that the stench of cigarettes is repulsive to a non-smoker. Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. We are very fortunate that there is no smoker in our family. It is essential to ban smoking in public places so that smokers cannot do any harm to non-smokers.

শব্দের অর্থঃ

  • Dangerously (adv.) - ভয়ংকরভাবে;
  • Fatal disease – মরণঘাত রোগ;
  • Heart attack - হৃদরোগ;  
  • Contain (v) - ধারণা করে;
  • Injurious matter - ক্ষতিকারক বস্তু;
  • Flow (n) – প্রবাহ;
  • Reduce (v) – কমানো;
  • Addicted to smoking – ধূমপানে আসক্ত;
  • Appetite (n) - ক্ষুধা;
  • Irritation (v) - অস্বস্তি;
  • Offends the nose - নাকে জ্বালা ঘটায়;
  • Stench (n) - দুর্গন্ধ;
  • Repulsive (adj.) - বিরক্তিকর;
  • Non-smoker (n) – অধুমপায়ী;
  • Unsettle the mind – মনকে অস্থির করে;
  • Fortunate (adj.) - ভাগ্যবান;
  • Ban (v) - নিষিদ্ধ করা;


Another One


Smoking is a dangerous bad habit. The danger of smoking is a beggar description. It is so dangerous that it may cause cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases. One puff of cigarette smoke contains more or less fifteen billion particles of matter including nicotine, methyl, alcohol, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic, benzopyrene, and several other acids which are fatal to human beings. Nicotine constricts the size of the blood vessels which impedes the flow of blood and oxygen in the body. In fact, it causes high blood pressure and heart attack. Benzopyrene is one of the most powerful cancer-causing agents in animals and human beings. Tobacco tar is also cancer-causing. The tar and the drying effect of cigarette smoke slow down the action of the cilia inside the bronchial tube and eventually destroy them. Carbon-mono-oxide drives oxygen out of the red blood cells. Moreover, smoking can cause irritation in the eye, offend the nose, and unsettle the mind. So, the dangers of smoking are quite unlimited and we should give up it without further delay.


Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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