Paragraph On Drug Addiction
Drug addiction
refers to an irresistible attraction to take harmful drugs. Normally it is
formed as a bad habit of using non-prescribed medicine. Opium, Heroin. Morphine,
Yaba, Phenstdyl, etc. are the main drugs taken in our country. Drug addiction
is a serious problem. People become addicted to drugs for many reasons.
Frustration is one of them. Some young people take drugs to forget their
failures in life. Sometimes, evil company and a liking for evil things lead one
to drug addiction. Furthermore, some very rich people are reckless in life and
take drugs as a means of enjoyment. Some young people take drugs as a fashion.
Taking drugs is a kind of luxury to them. Drug addiction severely affects our
health. It causes cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory diseases. It
destroys the nervous system of the human body. Thus, it leads an addict to death.
Drug addiction has a bad effect on the society. It causes social and family
terrorism like snatching, hijacking, robbery, etc. Thus, a drug addict is a
burden to a family and society. Drug addiction is now spreading all over the
world like an infectious disease. It has become a curse for human civilization.
We must be aware of its negative impact. Parents and other concerned should
also come forward to stop it. It must be stopped. Otherwise, our whole
civilization will collapse soon.
শব্দের অর্থ:
- Addiction (noun) – আসক্তি বা ঝোঁক বা প্রবল আকর্ষণ;
- Refer to (verb) - (বক্তা বা বক্তব্য ইত্যাদি সম্বন্ধে) নির্দেশ করা বা উল্লেখ করা বা উদ্দেশ্য করে বলা;
- Irresistible (adjective) – অপ্রতিরোধ্য বা দুর্নিবার;
- Attraction (noun) – আকর্ষণ বা টান;
- Harmful (adjective) – ক্ষতিকর;
- Normally (adverb) – স্বাভাবিকভাবে;
- Non-prescribed (adjective) – অনির্ধারিত;
- Serious (adjective) – সাংঘাতিক বা ভয়ানক বা গুরুতর;
- Frustration (noun) হতাশা বা বিফলতা;
- Failure (noun) – ব্যর্থতা বা অকৃতকার্যতা;
- Evil company
(phrase) – অসৎসঙ্গ;
- Reckless (adjective) – বেপরোয়া;
- Luxury (noun) – বিলাসিতা;
- Severely (adverb) – গুরুতরভাবে বা কঠোরভাবে;
- Affect (verb) - ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করা;
- Respiratory (adjective) – শ্বাসযন্ত্রের বা নিঃশ্বাস প্রশ্বাস সম্পর্কিত;
- Destroy (verb) - ধ্বংস করা,
- Addict (noun) – নেশাগ্রস্ত বা মাদকাসক্ত ব্যক্তি;
- Effect (verb) – ফলাফল বা প্রভাব বা পরিণতি;
- Terrorism (noun) – সন্ত্রাসবাদ;
- Snatching (noun) – ছিনতাই;
- Spread (verb) – ছড়িয়ে দেয়া বা ছড়িয়ে পড়া বা বিস্তৃত করা বা হওয়া;
- Infectious (noun) – সংক্রামক;
- Curse (noun) - অভিশাপ,
- Civilization (noun) – সভ্যতা;
- Aware (adjective) – সচেতন বা অবগত বা সতর্ক;
- Impact (noun) – প্রভাব বা ফল;
- Collapse (verb) পতিত হওয়া বা ভেঙে পড়া।
Another One
Drug addiction
means taking heroin, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyl, etc. Some
of these are taken by smoking or through injection. These drugs are used for
intoxicating and stimulating effects. The frequent taking of these drugs leads
a man to death. Drug addiction has grasped the young generation of our country.
The drugs are very expensive. Young boys cannot afford to buy them. They have
to commit a crime to arrange money. Frustration is the main cause of this drug
addiction. When there is no hope left for young people, they are addicted to drugs. Bad company is another cause of drug addiction. Moreover, lack of family
ties, lack of love and affection, etc. are the reasons for drug addiction.
Drugs have a terrible effect on the human body.
People feel drowsy and lose their appetite. The poisonous effect of the
drug is dangerous. It may damage the brain and all internal functions of the
body. The addicts feel intense pain in the body. However, the remedy for drug
addiction is not very easy because the treatment of drug addiction is expensive
and difficult. So, the law related to the drug business must be enforced
immediately. Parents must be careful about their treatment of children. When
each and every person is sincere in driving this curse of drug addiction from
society, human beings can get rid of it.
Source: Collected From an English Book (Paragraph Writing)