Paragraph On A Book Fair

Paragraph On A Book Fair Nowadays a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest in books amongst the general mass. In a book

Paragraph On A Book Fair

Paragraph On A Book Fair

A book fair is a fair where different types of books are brought for sale and show. A book fair is usually held in the months of January and February. In our country, it is held in almost all cities and towns. The largest book fair is organized by Bangla Academy on the occasion of 21 February. The main purpose of a book fair is not a sale but it offers a rare opportunity to assess the advancement made in the publication of books. It helps to create new writers as well as new readers. It inspires people to form the habit of reading books. A book fair bears testimony of the refined tastes and national culture of a country. A book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. Again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair. In order to organize the fair a committee is formed. The committee makes all the arrangements to make the fair successful. Some practical measures should be taken to make the fair successful. There should be an arrangement of refreshments. Seminars and cultural programmes should be arranged. Moreover, strict security measures should be taken. The government should encourage the writers and the publishers to publish creative books. Books should be sold at a cheap price.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Book fair (noun) – বই মেলা;
  • For sale and show – বিক্রয় দেখানোর জন্য;
  • Usually (adverb) - সাধারণত;
  • Almost (adverb) - প্রায়;
  • Largest (adjective) - সর্ববৃহৎ;
  • Organize (verb) - আয়োজন করা;
  • Occasion (noun) - অনুষ্ঠান;
  • Purpose (noun) – উদ্দেশ্য;
  • Offer (verb) - প্রদান করা;
  • Rare opportunity - বিরল সুযোগ;
  • Assess (verb) – মূল্যায়ন করা;
  • Advancement (noun) - অগ্রগতি;
  • Publication (noun) - প্রকাশনী;
  • As well as – এবং;
  • Reader (noun) - পাঠক;
  • Inspire (verb) – উৎসাহিত করা;
  • To form (infinitive) - গঠন করতে;
  • Bear (verb) – বহন করা;
  • Testimony (noun) – সাক্ষাৎ, প্রমাণ;
  • Refined taste - পরিমার্জিত রুচি;
  • National culture – জাতীয় সংস্কৃতি;
  • Remind (verb) - মনে করিয়ে দেয়;
  • Companion (noun) – সঙ্গী;
  • Change (verb) – পরিবর্তন করে;
  • Outlook (adjective) - দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি;
  • Widen our domain of knowledge - আমাদের জ্ঞানের জগতকে প্রসারিত করে;
  • Cheaper rate - কম দামে;
  • Is formed - গঠিত হয়;
  • Successful (adjective) – সফল;
  • Practical measure – বাস্তবসম্মত ব্যবস্থা;
  • Refreshment (noun) – হালকা খাবার;
  • Moreover – অধিকিন্তু;
  • Strict (adjective) – কঠোর;
  • Security measure – নিরাপত্তা ব্যবস্থা;
  • Encourage (verb) – উৎসাহিত করা;
  • Creative (adjective) - সৃজনশীল;
  • Cheap price (noun) - কম দামে


Another One

  • What influence has a book fair made on the general mass?
  • What types of books are available at the fair?
  • What types of stalls are found in the fair other than bookstals?
  • When does the fair become crowded?
  • What types of programs are arranged in the fair?
  • What does a book fair remind a man?
  • How does a book help a man?

Nowadays a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest in books amongst the general masses. In a book fair hundreds of pavilions are set up. All sorts of books – fiction, textbooks, dramas, children's books, reference books, etc. are displayed. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair becomes crowded, especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather at a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held. A book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They are always at our side when we are in danger. They change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. It is books that help us to forget jealousy, malice, and superstition. Again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.

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