Paragraph On My First Day at School

Paragraph On My First Day at School I was about five years ago when I was five years old when one day I came to attend my school as a regular student.

Write in about 100-125 words a paragraph about ‘My First Day at School.’ You have to use the following questions in writing this paragraph.

Paragraph On My First Day at School

1.   How old were you then?

2.   What was your preparation?

3.   Who took you to school?

4.   What was your first impression?

5.   How do you cherish the memory?

Paragraph On My First Day at School

I was about five years ago when I was five years old when one day I came to attend my school as a regular student. It was a Monday. My mother washed me well, combed my hair, and dressed me in new costly clothes. My father took me to the nearest school in our locality. He met the Superintendent. I was with him. My heart was beating fast. The Superintendent looked at me with a smiling face and asked me some questions. I answered them and was admitted to class one. Father left me to attend my classes. I found more than forty boys of my age in the classroom. I felt a kind of shyness when everybody kept looking at me. My class teacher spoke to me tenderly and asked my name. I replied promptly and politely. He felt glad. My classmates also welcomed me cordially. I attended all the classes. At times I thought of my mother and home. When the school broke up I ran home with new and exciting experiences and told my mother all that happened in school. I shall never forget those experiences of my first day at school.

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