Resignation letter

Suppose, you are a lecturer of a non-government College. You have been qualified in the BCS education cadre as a lecturer. Now you want to leave this job and join in the cadre service as a lecturer. Write resignation letter to the Principal of your college.

Date:21 October 2018
The principal
N H College
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Subject: Regarding resignation letter.

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I would like to bring your attention for consideration and necessary action to the fact that I have been finally selected as a lecturer in the 31st BCS education cadre. Very soon I am to join there. Now I want to resign from my service as a lecturer in your College to join there.

I, therefore, request you to accept my resignation letter with effect from 23 October 2018 and oblige thereby.

Yours Sincerely,
Imran Hossain.

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