Paragraph On The School Magazine

Paragraph On The School Magazine plays an important role in school life. It is different from a popular or literary journal as it contains mainly the

Write in about 100-125 words a paragraph about ‘The School Magazine.’ You have to use the following questions in writing this paragraph. 

Paragraph On The School Magazine

1.   What is it?

2.   What is its importance?

3.   What do the students do with it?

4.   What kind of writing does the magazine contain?

Paragraph On The School Magazine

The school magazine plays an important role in school life. It is different from a popular or literary journal as it contains mainly the articles of the students. It is usually annual or bi-annual. The editor of the school magazine is a teacher and the assistant editors are always chosen from among the students. The magazine helps the students to express their feelings and creative powers. Thus it becomes a training ground in literary composition and talent is discovered over in most of the expected quarters. A student feels proud and happy when he finds his writing in print. In fact, the school magazine is the stepping stone for future writers. Moreover, it is a link between the past and the present students of the school.

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