Paragraph on Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam is a common affair in big cities and towns. It is one of the major problems of modern times. The causes of Traffic jams are many. In

Paragraph on Traffic Jam

Paragraph on Traffic Jam

Traffic jam refers to a blockage of vehicles on roads and streets for hours. It is a common affair in big cities and towns. Nowadays it is a major problem in our country. Every day we lose our important time due to traffic jams. Day by day, it appears as a severe issue. The causes of traffic jams are many. Roads are not increasing in proportion to our population. Excess amounts of vehicles are also an essential factor in creating this traffic jam. Without a license, many cars are staying in our street. Many vehicle drivers have no complete driving certificate or training. And they don't follow the traffic rules. Moreover, underdeveloped traffic control systems, overtaking tendency by drivers, illegal parking by the roadside, etc. are also responsible for creating traffic jams. The effects of traffic jams are also multiple. It causes untold suffering to millions of people. None can reach their destination in time. Their valuable time is wasted. Even an ambulance has to stay standstill causing the death of the patient inside. So, it is very important to solve the problem. The way to do this is to build wide roads in a planned way, deploy the necessary number of traffic police on roads and enforce traffic laws properly, remove unlicensed vehicles, reduce private cars, and create awareness among all. This is the way we can get a traffic jam-free city. In fact, traffic jam is very harmful to every nation. By doing the above things, we can be free from traffic jams.


শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Blockage (n) - বাঁধা, প্রতিবন্ধকতা, অবরুদ্ধ অবস্থা, আটকে পড়া অবস্থা;
  • Vehicles (n) – যানবাহন;
  • Affair (n) – ব্যাপার, বিষয়;
  • Nowadays (adv) – আজকাল, বর্তমানে, এখন;
  • Appear (v) – প্রতিয়মান হওয়া, দৃশ্যমান হওয়া, উপস্থিত হওয়া;
  • Severe (adj) – গুরুতর, তীব্র, কড়া, কঠোর;
  • Increase (v) - বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া, বৃদ্ধি করা, বাড়া বা বাড়ানো, বর্ধিত করা বা হওয়া;
  • In proportion to (ph) – অনুপাতে, সমানুপাতে;
  • Population (n) – জনসংখ্যা;
  • Excess (adj) – অতিরিক্ত, বাড়তি,
  • Essential (adj) - অপরিহার্য, অত্যাবশ্যক;
  • Underdeveloped (adj) – অনুন্নত;
  • Control (v) – নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা;
  • Tendency (n) – প্রবনতা;
  • Illegal (adj) - অবৈধ, বেআইনী;
  • Responsible (adj) – দায়ী;
  • Effect (n) - ফলাফল, পরিণতি, প্রভাব;
  • Multiple (adj) – একাধিক, বহুবিধ;
  • Untold (adj) – অবর্ণনীয়;
  • Destination (n.) – গন্তব্য;
  • Valuable (adj) - মূল্যবান, দামি;
  • Waste (v) – অপচয় করা, নষ্ট করা;
  • Standstill (n) - স্থির, নিশ্চলতা, স্থবির অবস্থা;
  • Patient (n) – রোগী;
  • Solve (v) – সমাধান করা;
  • Wide (adj) – প্রশস্ত;
  • Planned (adj) – পরিকল্পিত;
  • Deploy (v) – মোতায়েন করা;
  • Enforce (v) – প্রয়োগ করা;
  • Properly (adv) – সঠিকভাবে;
  • Remove (v) – দূর করা;
  • Reduce (v) - হ্রাস করা, কমানো;
  • Awareness (n) সচেতনতা, সতর্কতা;
  • Harmful (n) – ক্ষতিকর;


Another One


Traffic Jam is a common affair in big cities and towns. It is one of the major problems of modern times. The causes of Traffic jams are many. In proportion to our population roads have not increased. The roads are all the same. Many unlicensed vehicles should be brought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. They want to drive at their sweet will. Overtaking tendency also causes Traffic Jams. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time Traffic Jam is intolerable. Sometimes Traffic Jam is so heavy that it blocks half a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great suffering to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by adopting some measures. Well planned spacious imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey them. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed. After doing all these things we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.

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