A Letter About to Your Friend Consoling The Death of His Mother.

Write a letter to your friend consoling the death of his mother.

November 24, 2018
House-24, Road-10, Block-a
Mirpur-10, Dhaka

My dear Habib,
You mother sudden death has come to me as a shock. When I visited your house lately, I found her quite hale and hearty. But nobody can foresee when the cruel hands of death will be laid on her. The demise of your mother is really a rude shock and an irreparable loss. I realize how terribly it shakes you with sorrow. It is futile to tell you words of consolation at this moment of bereavement. I would just request you to pluck up courage and bear the loss with patience.

May Allah give the departed soul eternal peace? 

Yours lovingly

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