A Letter Advising To Take More Interest in Games Than in Politics

Write a letter to your collage-going brother advising him to take more interest in games than in politics.

November 24, 2018

House-24, Road-10, Block-a

Mirpur-13, Dhaka

My Dear Rony,
I am glad to receive your letter and learn that you are well-set in your college environment. But one thing that is most disquieting o me is the so-called ‘’politics’’. Nowadays politics is terror-oriented, dirty and suicidal. You will find many tempting avenues to get involved in it. But you should avoid politics by all means and instead take part in games. Games and sports are very constructive and useful pursuits. These will build up your body create in you a sportsmanlike an attitude and a sense of discipline and co-operation that will stand you in good stead in your future life.

I hope you will give due consideration to this advice and follow it with zeal and zest.

With all the best wishes
Your beloved  brother

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