A Mishap Short Story

A Mishap Story

Tanha went to Dhaka to join an interview of a job from Chandpur. After completing all her deeds, she came to Kamlapur Railway Station. She got on her compartment and sat down on her seat beside a window. When the train started her handbag was snatched by a man. Her ticket, money and all the certificates, telephone book, addresses were inside the bag. The train passed the place quickly. She was wondering what to do. She becomes hopeless. The co-passengers in the compartment collected money for her fare. They showed sympathy to her. At last she reached Chandpur by taxi. She was totally hopeless about getting her bag in return. She spent her days in frustration. After some days a parcel was sent for her. Opening it she was astonished. This was nothing but her handbag remaining ever elements inside it.

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