Essay About Honesty is the Best Policy

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Honesty is the best policy.

Hints: Introduction; An honest man; A dishonest man; Conclusion.

Introduction: A man is made of the noblest elements. The greatest of those elements is honesty. Honesty is the backbone of a man. It makes a man perfect.

An honest man: An honest man is always respected. He may be poor, he may even be an illiterate man. But people believe him and rely upon him. He is true to his word. He never associates with dishonest men. The troubles do not disturb the peace of his mind. He is satisfied with what is lotted for him. 

A dishonest man: A dishonest man is just like a ferocious animal. Like a beast of prey, he roams about in search of his prey. People are afraid of him. Nobody loves him. He is hated by all. He tries to be prosperous in life by any means but he cannot succeed. By dishonest means, he may earn money but he cannot be happy. He lives in constant fear of being detected.

Conclusion: Honesty is tested by dangers and difficulties. There are ups and downs in the life of an honest man. But he never bows down to the forces of dishonesty. He may break but he cannot band. Honesty makes his life dignified. His head is always erect. It never bends low.

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