Paragraph on Your Daily life

Paragraph On Your Daily Life / My Daily Life I get up from bed early in the morning. Then I ease myself, cleanse my teeth, make ablation, and go to

Write in about 100-125 words a paragraph about ‘Your Daily life / My Daily life’. You have to use the following questions in writing this paragraph.

Paragraph On Your Daily Life / My Daily Life
  • Who is your grandmother?
  • What is her name?
  • How old is she?
  • How does she love you?
  • How does she behave with you?
  • What kind of woman is she?

Paragraph On Your Daily Life / My Daily Life 

My grandmother’s name is Sanzida Begum. She comes from a respectable Muslim family. She can read and write. Now she is sixty.  She can move easily.  She is a gentle lady. She is also very kind to the poor. She takes great care of all members of the family. My grandmother loves me very much. In my childhood, she used to tell me fine stories and I would sleep beside her.  She has brought me up. For this reason, whenever I become sick, she becomes very anxious. But when I come round, her face beams with joy. She wants to see me happy. She takes care of my education. During my childhood, my grandmother used to teach me the letters of Bangla, English, and Arabic. Even today if my parents scold me for any fault of mine, they are taken to task seriously by my grandmother. My grandmother is a really great woman.


I get up from bed early in the morning. Then I ease myself, cleanse my teeth, make ablation, and go to the mosque to say my morning prayer. Thereafter, if the weather permits, I got out for a walk in the morning breeze. On return, I set about learning my lessons after taking tea and working on my study up until 9:00 a.m. Then I leave my books, have my bath, take my meals and start for madrasah at 10:00 a.m. The madrasah sits at 10:30 a.m. and breaks up at 4:30 p.m. Coming back from madrasah I have a wash, take my meals and then go to the playground after a brief rest. There I play football or take part in other games with my friends. I return at sunset and, after saying my evening prayer, go into my study and read there till it is 9:00 p.m. Then I take my supper and watch television for a while. I go to bed around 10:00 p.m. after saying my night prayer. On holidays I go to visit my friends and relatives or interesting places for pleasure and recreation.

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