Short Essay About Rice

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Rice.

Hints: Introduction; Description; How cultivated; Usefulness; Conclusion.

Introduction: Rice is our staple food. We get it from paddy. It grows abundantly in hot and moist climate. It grows larger in Bangladesh, India, Burma, China, Indonesia, and Japan.

Kinds: In Bangladesh, there are three kinds of rice. These are Aush, Aman and Boro. The Aman is the best of all. IRRI is also grown in Bangladesh now.

How cultivated: Paddy field is first plowed. It is then harrowed. Then seeds of paddy sown. The field is properly weeded. This is how Aush paddy is cultivated. But Aman paddy is transplanted. Just before the rainy season small seed-beds are plowed and harrowed. Paddy seeds are then sown there. After a few days tender, seedlings are uprooted. They are then planted in the fields properly plowed and harrowed. This is the process of Aman cultivation. In three or four months paddy ripens.  It is then reaped. Sheaves of paddy are taken home. The sheaves are then beaten against a bamboo frame. In this way, grains are separated from the stalk. Paddy is then boiled, sunned, husked. At last, we get rice.

Usefulness: Paddy is our most important crop. We cannot do without it. If this crop fails our people starve. The Straus have used the food or the crop. 

Conclusion: We live on rice. So the growth of the rice should be increased.

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