Short Essay About Tea

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Tea.

Hints: Introduction; Description; Method of cultivation; Kinds; Where grown; Usefulness; Conclusion.

Introduction: Tea is the most common drink in the world.

Description: Tea is prepared from the green leaves of tea plants. It is dried and used as the drink. It is mixed with hot water, sugar, and milk.

Method of cultivation: It grows mainly in hilly places. It grows well in the moist climate and wet soil. Tea plants are planted in rows. It grows gradually. It has many small branches with leaves. It becomes four to six feet high. Tender leaves are plucked and dried in the sun.

Kinds: There are two kinds of tea. They are green tea and black tea. Both are equally used for drink.

Where grown: Tea is grown in China, Bangladesh, India, Japan, and Ceylon. China tea is the best one.

Usefulness: Tea is the most popular drink.  It refreshes to the foreign country and earns a great amount of money.

Conclusion: Tea is a cash-crop of Bangladesh. It has a great hilly area. So more tea should be produced.

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