Short Essay The Cow

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about The Cow.

Hints: Introduction; Description; Food and Nature; Where found; Usefulness; Conclusion.

Introduction: The cow is a domestic animal. She is the most known and useful of all the animals. She plays an important role in our life.

Description: The cow has four legs, a long head, two ears, two horns, two big eyes and a long tail at the end of her body. There is a tuft of hair at the end of her tail. Her body is covered with small soft hair. She becomes about four to five feet long and three or seven feet high. She protects her body from the attack of harmful animals or insects by her horns and tail. Her hoofs are divided. She has no teeth in the upper jaw. But the pad is hard.

Food and Nature:  The cow, generally, lives on grass. She also takes hays, leaves of some trees, oil cakes, bran, straw etc. She eats first without chewing the food well. She eats first without chewing the food well. She chews it at her leisure time. This is called chewing the cud. ‘She is gentle by nature and obedient. She gives birth to a calf at a time.

Where found:  The cow is found all over the world. There are some wild cows too. Australian cows are very big and give more milk. 

Usefulness: She is the most useful of all the animal of the world. She gives us milk. Milk contains the highest number of vitamins. It is a nutritious and an ideal food. Beef is also equally useful. Its use is the highest in the world. Besides ghee, curd, cheese, butter, and various sweets are made of her milk. Oxen and bullocks and even some cows draw plows and carts. Bags, shoes etc. are made from their skins. Cow-dung is good manure.

Conclusion: The number of cows in Bangladesh is decreasing. So we should be alert of rearing cows.

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