Paragraph On Study Tour

Paragraph On Study Tour Education is one of the basic needs of a human being and is essential for any kind of development. There are many classificati
Write in about 100-125 words a paragraph about ‘Study Tour’. You have to use the following questions in writing this paragraph.

Paragraph On Study Tour

  1. What is a study tour?
  2. Why has been arranged such a kind of tour?
  3. Where have you gone for the study tour?
  4. How have you gone?
  5. How many students and teachers have gone there?
  6. What types of educational objects have you observed on the tour?
  7. What lessons have you learned from the tour?
  8. How have you enjoyed the tour?
  9. How long have you been there?

    Paragraph On Study Tour

    Education is one of the basic needs of a human being and is essential for any kind of development. There are many classifications of education. You may learn much by reading newspapers, journals, and academic books, etc. Another process is you can try to combine these two processes. For this reason, when we get the academic education, teachers try to arrange the study tour. The study tour is the most important part of education. In the period of globalization, teachers want their students can be first in the competition, so they arrange such kinds of tours. We went to Chittagong for a study tour. We went there by train. There were 35 students and teachers with us. We visited the historical objects and learned that in 1905 Assam was a Muslim-populated province and it was a developed area. The people of this province were educated. They were careful about their political rights. We enjoyed the tour singing and dancing. After 7 days we returned. That study tour was a remarkable day in my life.

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