The Short Composition Student Life

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Student Life.



Hints: What is it; Duties of student life; Responsibilities of student life; Conclusion.


What is it: By the term ‘Student Life’ we mean the life of a person that he passes in School and colleges. It is the seed time of a man’s life.


Duties of student life: A student is free from all cares of life. His first duty is to read and acquire knowledge. He should read textbooks, good out books, newspapers, and magazines. A student must build up his character. He should give up the evil company and form good habits. He should be neat and clean and take proper care of his health. The student should be polite and obedient to their parents, teachers, and superiors. Student life is a life of discipline.


Responsibilities of student life: A student must remember that he is the future bread earner of his family. He is the backbone of the nation. He must be ready to sacrifice his life for the cause of his country. A student must be dutiful to his country and to Allah. A student should not take part in active politics. It may ruin his career.

Conclusion: Student life is the most pleasant and important period of a man’s life. So, a student should make proper use of this time.





Student life is the beat time of our life. It is the time of preparation for the future life. It is the best period of every person. So it is called sowing time of life.


Student life is the time of preparation. During this time, we learn many things. We prepare ourselves for some profession. One who works hard he enjoys the fruits of hard work in the future. But one who wastes valuable time, he suffers.


Students are the future builders of their country. They must learn and acquire knowledge. If they prepare well today, they will be able to enjoy its fruits in the future. But if they waste valuable time of life they must suffer.


A good student with good moral character is loved by all. A good student with bad moral character is hated by all. Student life is the time to good moral character. If someone fails, he shall suffer.


A student has many duties. He has duty to his parents. Duty to the society, duty to the family and to the state. He has find out the wants of the society and prepare the way to solve the problem. He can serve the society in many ways. Student life is the most valuable time of life. One should use the time properly. If not, he will suffer.


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Hello! I am Ahshan Habib. Blogging is My Hobby and I Would Like to Share my Knowledge With Everyone. Here I Will Share Every Day About Education, Technology, and Programming. So Stay With us And Share my Page on Your Social Platform.

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