Write a Composition About Punctuality

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Punctuality.

Hints: Introduction; Necessity; Habit of punctuality; Conclusion.

Introduction: Man is the rational being. He has got to do many things in life. But his life is short, art is long. If he does not do what he has got to do at the proper time he cannot finish his allotted work. The habit of doing one’s work at the proper time is called punctuality.

Necessity: Punctuality is an imperative necessity in our life. It is a key to success. We cannot prosper in life without punctuality. Time is fleeting. We must keep pace with it by doing our duties at proper times. There are people who always complain that they do not find time to complete their allotted work. They are ease-loving do little people. They waste their time. They are not punctual. So, they cannot complete their work.

The habit of punctuality: The habit of punctuality must be formed early in life. A child must be taught that a stitch in time saves none. If he put off for tomorrow what he has to do today he can never do his duty. He cannot do anything in life. He will lag behind in the race of life. He will be a slur to the society. He will be looked down upon as a do little man. 

Conclusion: There is hardly any man who does not like to prosper in life. But prosperity depends on punctuality. Work while you work and play while you play is a popular proverb. In every work of our life, we must do our duty in time. Otherwise, life will stand meaningless.

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