Write a Letter About Tree Plantation

Write a letter to your friend about Tree Plantation.

30 Islampur Road, Dhaka-1100
November 20, 2018
My Dear S,
I am going to tell you today about the importance of tree plantation in our country. Trees are our great friends. They give us fruit and timber. Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Timber is a very useful thing. Trees maintain ecological balance. They prevent erosion of soil. They also prevent desertification by causing rainfall. But there are people who thoughtlessly cut down trees and destroy our woods and forests. We shall do well to stop such thoughtless acts and fill up the gaps caused by such destruction. So we should plant trees in the premises of our houses, schools, colleges, madrasahs, hospitals, banks and other institutions. Besides, we should take the active part in the Government’s annual tree plantations programmes. I hope you agree with me and will do the needful. Please let me know about your activities in this sphere.

So much for the present. I am well. Hope this finds you in good health and spirits.

Yours sincerely

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