Write a letter about why you want to join politics after completing your studies.

Write a letter to your father explaining why you want to join politics after completing your studies.

November 15, 2018
House-24, Road-10, Block-a
Mirpur-10, Dhaka

My Dear Father,
I am very glad to receive your letter. You have wanted to know why I intend to join politics after completing my studies. This is, of course, a  pertinent and I feel happy to write to you about this now.
You know, according to most people, politics in our country has gone to the hands of wrong people who have made it nasty, corrupt and murderous in order to fulfill their own selfish interests at the cost of the general people. I want to take the initiative to bring about a change in this deplorable state of affairs. I have discussed the matter with some of my friends who also think in the same way as I do. Indeed, it is very difficult to fight the vested interest groups, but somehow somebody should start the action somewhere in the interest of the nation which is looking forward to new leadership towards a change for the better.

Please pray to Allah so that we may come out successful in our thoughts and efforts.

More when we meet.

With best regards.
Yours affectionately

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