Write a Letter Describing a Place of Historical Interest.

Write a letter to a friend describing a place of historical interest.

November 20, 2018
House-24, Road-10, Block-a
Mirpur-10, Dhaka

My Dear Friend,

I have long been without any response from you. Hope you are alright by the grace of the Almighty Allah. You will be glad to know that I, with three of my best friends, paid a visit to Sonargaon of Narayangonj. It is a place of great historical importance. Today I am waiting for you about our visit there.

We started for Sonargaon on the 10th of March. When we reached the gate of Sonargaon, we saw a beautiful small pond and a sculpture by Zainul Abedin by the side of the pond. Then we passed through the fields and walked across some small canals walking over bridges.  It was a wonderful sight to see, a pleasant moment to be. You know this is the National Archeological Museum. We visited it and saw many old guns, swords, and furniture of the rulers. There was also another museum of handicrafts. The old building and heritages reminded us of the past. It was really thrilling and exciting. We also played some games there. It was almost evening when we returned home.

That is all for today. I look forward to hearing from you. Render my best regard to your parents and love to the Youngers. With best wishes.

Yours ever

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