Write a Letter to Your Friend Conveying Sympathy For His Failure in the Examination

Write a letter to your friend conveying sympathy for his failure in the examination.

30 Islampur Road, Dhaka-1100
November 26, 2018

My dear Sakib,
I hope you are fine. A few days ago, I got a letter from your younger brother Sanny. I knew from the letter about your result. I sympathies with you in your sorrow.
Dear friend, you know that we have to face various bitter experiences in different steps of our life. WE have to advance inspite of all difficult. There is a proverb “”Failure is the pillar of success””. If you are disheartened, then the situation will be more difficult in the days ahead. That is why you have to accept the reality and march on with better preparation for the examination. I know, though you are good enough to pass the last exam, unluckily you have failed. I hope, this time your all efforts will be fruitful.

No more today. Write to me as early as possible.

Your sincerely
Ahasanul Haque.

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