A Freedom Fighter Short Story

A Freedom Fighter Story

As I was walking home yesterday, a small man with a long, pointed bread and only one arm stopped me and asked me the way to “Nur Manjil” I was very surprised because that is my own house and the man was not known to me. Besides, his lost arm had made him a real stranger. However, I did not disclose the fact that “Nur Manjil” was my own home. I politely lad him to our house. My mother opened the door. As soon as he noticed the stranger with me, she cried out in pure surprise “Bhaiya! Where have you come from all these days after.” Cried out, my mother. I came to know from her that he was one of my uncles. He joined the liberation war in 1971and getting injured lost one of his arms. I have heard many stories about him from my mother. He was my ‘Anu Mama.’I fell proud of him.

About the author

Hello! I am Ahshan Habib. Blogging is My Hobby and I Would Like to Share my Knowledge With Everyone. Here I Will Share Every Day About Education, Technology, and Programming. So Stay With us And Share my Page on Your Social Platform.

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