A Son’s Duty To His Father Story

A Son’s Duty To His Father Story

Habib was a military officer. He had a dutiful son. Once Habib was with his son in the ship was sailing without any problem. Suddenly the ship was attacked by the enemy. Habib posted his son at a place on the deck. But sometimes later, Habib was caught by the enemy and was killed. But the son did not know anything of it. He was firm on his duty. The ship was attacked by fire. Everybody; except deck. The boy called his father again to get an order from him. But no reply came back from his father or anybody else. He did not leave the place without his father to leave the place. Because he knew that duty is the first even at the cost of life.

About the author

Hello! I am Ahshan Habib. Blogging is My Hobby and I Would Like to Share my Knowledge With Everyone. Here I Will Share Every Day About Education, Technology, and Programming. So Stay With us And Share my Page on Your Social Platform.

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