Application for an English Daily for the Common Room

Write an application to the Headmaster to subscribe to an English daily for your school common room.

03 December 2018
The Headmaster
‘’M’’ High School, Dhaka

Subject: Praying for an English daily for the common room

With due respect, I have the honour to state that ours is a renowned school in the district. There are about Two thousand students in our school. Many of them are studious. Only the textbooks cannot satisfy their thirst for knowledge. An English daily is very necessary for us. it can provide the worldwide news with its vast range. By going through it, our knowledge of the English language will be developed. The impotence of English cannot be overstated. We shall fail to be in the swim unless we are provided with an English daily in our common room.

I, therefore, request you kindly to provide an English daily in our common room and oblige thereby.

Obediently yours,
Ahmed Ali
Class. 10 
Roll No. 01
On behalf of the students of
‘’M’’ High School, Dhaka

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