Application for Holding the Test Examination one Week Later

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for holding the test examination one week later.

03 December 2018
The Headmaster
‘M’ High School, Dhaka

Subject: prayer for holding the test examination one week later.

I, on behalf of the students of the HSC 2nd year, beg to state that the announcement of the date of the ensuing test examination has put us to a great deal of inconvenience. We expected that the test would be held shortly and we were mentally prepared for it. But we have not thought that it will be fixed as shortly as it has been. If the date is not advanced we shall have to cut a very sorry figure in spite of our good preparation. We need at least one week or more to give the final shape to our preparation.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to advance the date for the test examination by one week or more and oblige.

Obediently yours,
On behalf of the students of
‘M’ High School, Dhaka

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