Application for Increasing Facilities in the Common Room

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for more facilities in the common room.

03 December 2018
The Headmaster
‘M’ High School, Dhaka

Subject: Application for more facilities in the common room


With due respect, we, the students of class 10 of your school, beg to state that we are facing some problems for the lack of facilities in the common room. A common room can serve many purposes in student life. As there are not enough opportunities for indoor games and reading magazines or newspapers, most students involve themselves in idle gossip or moving here and there during leisure. This is not desirable. The arrangements for various indoor games should be increased.  Some daily newspapers and magazines should be kept. These arrangements will not only provide mental refreshment but also increase our knowledge.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you kind enough to take urgent and necessary steps to increase the facilities in the common room. And for this act of your kindness, we will remain ever grateful to you.

Sincerely yours,
Habib Khan
On behalf of the students of class 10
‘’M’’ High School, Dhaka

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