Flowers of Bangladesh Composition

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Flowers of Bangladesh.

Hints: Introduction; Flower-loving people; Different kinds; Conclusion.

Introduction: The flower is a gift of Allah. Our prophet (sm) said, “If you have a place, buy food with it, if you have two, buy flowers with the half if it.”

Flower-loving people: Our prophet (sm) loved flowers. People of Bangladesh also loved flowers. The flower is the most beautiful creation of Allah. Bangladeshi women are very fond of flowers. Even the uncivilized Santal and Moorang women love flowers. They decorate themselves with flowers. Our country is rich with flowers. Different kinds of flowers blossom in different seasons of our country. We offer wreaths of flowers to our distinguished visitors.

Different kinds: There are various kinds of flowers in Bangladesh. The rose is the best of them. In colour and scent, it is superior to any other flower. The lotus and the marigold are our common flowers. There are different varieties of these flowers. The sun-flowers are of different sizes. Some flowers are big in size and some are small. All these flowers are not scented. There are wildflowers too. Some of them are very beautiful.

Conclusion: Nature has decorated our country with flowers. Our flowers are really charming.

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