Fruits of Bangladesh Short Essay

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Fruits of Bangladesh.

Hints: Introduction; Different kinds; Mango; Other fruits; Papaw; Conclusion.

Introduction: Bangladesh is a land of fruits. Varieties of fruits are there in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi children are especially fond of fruits. A plum tree or a guava tree draws the attention of the children. When these trees are loaded with ripe fruits they draw children as a loadstone draws places of iron.

Different kinds: There are different kinds of fruits in Bangladesh. They are plum, guava, banana, jack-fruit, blackberries and various other fruits. Most of these fruits are sweet and delicious.

Mango: of all the fruits the mango is the best. It is the king of our fruits. In sweetness, flavor, and taste our mangos are incomparable. There are various kinds of mangos. Fazli, Gopalbhog, Lengra, Mohonbhog, etc. are very delicious. Our best mangos are found in the district of Rajshahi, Dinajpur, and Bogra.

Other fruits: There are other foods also bananas, plums, guavas, pine-apples, jack-fruits, and blackberries are abundantly found in Bangladesh. There are many other minor fruits also. All these fruits are very popular.

Papaw: The papaw is a popular fruit. It is conducive to health. Regular eating of papaws checks constipation.

Conclusion: In every season Bangladesh has a special kind of fruit. Bangladesh is rich in fruits.

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