Prize Giving Ceremony In Your Madrasah Short Essay

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Prize Giving Ceremony In Your Madrasah.

Composition On Prize Giving Ceremony 

Hints: Introduction; Ceremony at madrasah; Distribution of prizes; President’s speech; Conclusion.

Introduction: Prize Giving Ceremony of a Madrasah is a gala day. On this happy day, prizes are given in a meeting. The students decorate the madrasah building with leaves and flowers. They sing, dance and recite poems before the invited guests.

Ceremony at madrasah: This year the prize-giving ceremony of our madrasah came off Sunday last. The meeting was held at 4 p.m.The chairman of the madrasah president. The national flag was hoisted by the president. The student sang the national anthem. The Superintendent read out the annual report. The students sang, danced, recited poems and staged a one-act drama.

Distribution of prizes: At last the president gave away the prizes. Each prize consisted of some useful books. The books were beautifully bound. Some prizes were given for extra-academic activities. One of my friends got a prize of good conduct.

President’s speech: At last, the president stood up. In a neatly worded speech, he congratulated the prizewinners. He asked other students to work hard so that they might get prizes the next year. He thanked the teachers and the taught for arranging such a meeting.

Conclusion: At last, a student of class VIII sang the closing song. The Superintendent offered his heartfelt thanks to the president and the guests. The ceremony ended at 6 pm.

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