The Sun and the Wind Short Story

Once there arose quarrel between the wind and the sun. Each of them claimed to be stronger than the other. Both were excited. Then they decided the settle the dispute by trying their power on a man. The man had a coat on his body and was walking fast. The sun and the wind chose to try their strength on him. “Whosever makes him take off his coat, will be the stronger of us both”. Said the wind. Of course, I do agree on this point”. Replied the sun. There was a toss and the wind won it.
At first, the wind began to blow gently. The man felt happy. The wind went on by getting harder and became very violent. The man clasped his coat tighter around himself and sat down behind a rock to save himself from the gale. The wind failed to make him put off his coat.

Now it was the sun’s turn. He, too, began to shine gently at first. The man got up and started walking in he sun again. Soon the sun became hot and the man felt hot too. The sun began to shed scorching heat. The man put off his coat and the shirt and he sat down in the shade of a tree to save himself from the heat of the sun. Thus the sun won the dispute and the wind had to accept defeat.

About the author

Hello! I am Ahshan Habib. Blogging is My Hobby and I Would Like to Share my Knowledge With Everyone. Here I Will Share Every Day About Education, Technology, and Programming. So Stay With us And Share my Page on Your Social Platform.

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