Write an Application for Immediate Repair of Some Roads

Write an application to the chairman of your upazila municipality requesting him to take steps for immediate repair of some roads of your locality.

December 5, 2018
The chairman
"S" Upazila,

Subject: prayer for immediate repair of some roads.

We the people of the villages ‘M’ under ‘x’ Union Parishad, have the honour to state that the condition of the roads of our locality is not good. There is one district road that runs from upazila headquarter to ‘N’ via ‘Z’ and there are some local roads which run through this locality crisscrossing one another and the condition of most of these roads is very deplorable. They are becoming narrow day by day. There grow numerous holes and cavities and there are some dilapidated bridges over the roads. Lastly, some parts of these roads go under water in the rainy season every year.

As a result, we have been suffering terrible. In fact, our sufferings and miseries know no bounds. In addition, this deplorable condition of the road hampers our normal trade and commerce. It slows down our economic prosperity.

Under the above circumstances, your honour is requested  to take steps for immediate repair of the road of our locality and thus to relieve the sufferings of the people of this area.

We remain,
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘M’

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