Write a Letter About the Significance of Surah-e-Fatiha

Imagine you have a pen-friend who lives in America. He wants to know something about the significance of Surah-e-Fatiha. Now write a letter to him describing it.

Washington, America

Dear Samia,
My heartiest love to you, I hope that you are well. By the grace of Allah, I am also well. I have just received your letter and you want to know something about the significance of Sura-e-Fatiha. Now I am writing to you about that. Fatiha is the first Sura it the Holly Quran. Beginning or opening is the verbatim meaning of Fatiha. This Sura has also some other names. Though of is a small Sura of seven aiats, its significance is very deep. To perform Namaz it is recited. Namaz cannot be performed without it. This Sura represents the oneness of Allah, worship of Him and obedience to Him. It is regarded as the mother of the Quran. It under discussion gives a nice form of prayer and as ta-limul Masaala it teaches us the prayer. This Sura is itself a munajat and its Ameen implies that the prayer is accepted by Allah. It represents that Allah is the cherisher and the sustainer of the world. He is most gracious, most merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Through this Sura, we can worship Him and seek help from Him. We can also get the straightway. Therefore, the significance of this Sura is very great.

My best regards to your parents and best an affections to your younger’s. 

Thank you.
Yours loving

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