A Letter Narrating Your Experience to Your Friend Who Has Not Traveled by Plane

Letter Narrating Your Experience to Your Friend Who Has Not Traveled by Plane plane started at Zia International Airport to New Delhi at about 9.30 am

Write a letter narrating your experience to your friend who has not traveled by plane.

Letter About Who Has Not Traveled by Plane

05 June 2019
My dear Habib,
Take my love and greetings. I hope that you are fine. I am fine too.
I think you will be happy to know that I had a journey to New Delhi by plane recently. It was my first plane journey. Our plane started at Zia International Airport to New Delhi at about 9.30 am. We were getting into planes one after another. I fastened my seat belt around my waist. Nobody was allowed to smoke on the plane. When the plane rose. I looked down through my window. I saw buildings and trees looking like miniatures I saw people looking like ants. The rivers and roads looked like a long snake. I saw white clouds around me. It gave me much pleasure. I was really fascinated by the scenery I saw on the plane.

How are you passing your days? Do not forget to write to me in reply. Visit me whenever you get time. Convey my Salam to your parents and love to younger’s. Bye for today.

Yours ever

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