Application To Asking For a Week’s Leave

Habib’s Madrasah is closed for the summer holidays but Samir’s not. He needs to ask for leave before going on a holiday. Imagine you are Samir.  Write an application to the Superintendent/ The principal of your Madrasah asking for a week’s leave.

02 June 2019
The Superintendent/ Principal
ABC Madrasah

Sub: Application for leave of absence

Assalamu alaikum
With due respect, I would like to state that I am a regular and punctual student of Dhakhil class nine of your Madrasah. But I shall not be able to attend the class from 23th to 30thon instant due to some family problems. Our family will leave this place for a week. During this time, I have to go with them. Therefore, I need a leave for those days only.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant leave for those days only and oblige me thereby.

I remain, Sir,
Your most obedient pupil
X Class-nine, Roll-01

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