Composition On Common Birds of Bangladesh

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about The Common Birds of Bangladesh.


Hints: Introduction; A great variety of birds; The most common bird; Tailor birds; Singing birds; Game birds; Talking birds; Domestic birds; Birds of prey; Some common migratory birds; Conclusion.

Introduction: Bangladesh is a land of natural beauty. Various kinds of birds known and unknown have added beauty to this country. They are found flying, singing chirping from dawn to dusk. We get up from bed at dawn hearing the sweet songs of the birds.

A great variety of birds: In Bangladesh, we have birds of various habits, colors, and sizes. Some look beautiful, some look ugly and some others are odd-looking.

Here are some common birds of Bangladesh discussed shortly.

(i) The most common bird: Of all the common birds of Bangladesh, the crow comes first. They are found everywhere in Bangladesh. They look ugly. Some of them are black and some are of ash-color. They are very cunning. They steal our food. They have a harsh voice. Nobody likes them. But they help to keep our environment neat and clean by eating dirty rotten things.

(ii) Tailor birds: The sparrow, the babui and the tuntuni are familiar tailor birds in Bangladesh. They are harmless birds. The sparrow and the tuntuni are very small birds. They are found twittering around our dwelling houses. They build their nests with straw in the holes and ventilators of our houses.
The babui builds its nest in a high tree. Its nest is very beautiful and scientific. We are spellbound by its skill of weaving.

(iii) Singing birds: The cuckoo, the doel, the koel, the baukathakao, the bulbuli are our songbirds. They charm us with their sweet and melodious voice. So everybody likes these birds. The doel is our national bird. It Is very beautiful.

(iv) Game birds: The pigeon, the patridge, the heron, the dove, the snipe, the teal are known as game birds. We hunt them for their tasty flesh.

(v) Talking birds: The parrot, the mayna, the shalik, the chandana and the shama belong to this class. They can imitate the human voice. They are often kept at home as pets.

(vi) Domestic birds: The hen, the cock, the pigeon, the swan, the duck etc. are called domestic birds. We get eggs and flesh from them.

(vii) Birds of prey: The hawk, the kite, the vulture, the king-fisher, the wood-pecker are wild birds. They are known as birds of prey. The hawk and the kite are more dangerous. They have been eyes and sharp nails. They often swoop down on small domestic birds and fish. The vulture is a big ugly bird. It does good for us by eating up dead animals. The king-fisher catches fishes and feeds on them.

(viii) Some common migratory birds: Every year in winter, Bangladesh is visited by some birds from the Siberia region. They pass the days in joy in the rivers, hawars, and bills of this country. These birds are commonly called the migratory birds. Among them, the duck, the teal and the coot are the most familiar ones.

Conclusion: Birds, in many ways are useful to us. They maintain a balance of the healthy environment in nature. They contribute much to add beauty to nature in Bangladesh. So we should preserve our birds for the greater benefit of the country.

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