Composition On Saarc

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about The Saarc.


Hints: Introduction; Member countries; History/Background; Objectives; The first summit meeting; Conclusion.

Introduction: The term ‘SAARC’ means the South Asian Association for regional Co-operation. It was formed to bring about greater Co-operation among the people of its member countries.

Member countries: The ‘SAARC’ is a voluntary association of the seven countries of South Asian. They are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

History/Background: The idea of the ‘SAARC’ first came to the mind of the Late President of Bangladesh. Lt. General Ziaur Rahman. He discussed his concept with the Heads of Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in his visits to these countries from 1977 to 1980. In November, 1980, Bangladesh, prepared working paper outlining the possible areas of Co-operation and circulated it to these countries. In 1981 the foreign secretaries of these seven member countries met together in Colombo and then again in New Delhi in 1983. Finally, they all agreed to form the SAARC.

Objectives: The main objectives of the SAARC are noted below:

i. To promote the welfare of the people of South Asian and to improve the standard of their living and regional Co-operation.

ii. To accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region to provide all individuals with the opportunity to live in harmony and with dignity.

iii. To promote aid and strength in collective self-reliance among the countries.

iv. To ensure mutual trust and understanding as well as realization of one another’s problems.

v. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields.

vi. To Co-operation with one another to fight against poverty and illiteracy in the member countries.

The first summit meeting: The first SAARC summit conference was held in Dhaka on December 7, 1985. The seven heads of governments of the seven member countries attended the conference. The then President of Bangladesh H. M. Ershad was elected chairman of the first summit. It adopted a 14 point declaration and the charter of the SAARC. Since 1985, the SAARC summit is being held in the countries year by year according to cyclic order.

Conclusion: It is expected that the ‘SAARC’ would go a long way in creating a better climate of harmony and Co-operation, trust and understanding among the member countries.

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