Composition on Students and Social Service

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Students and Social Service.


Hints: Introduction; The main business of the student; Students and social works; Removing illiteracy; Checking population growth; In the field of war; In agriculture; In natural calamities; Conclusion.

Introduction: Students are the future hope and strength of the nation. So they should play an important role in rending services to the society in which they live in. as social beings they enjoy certain rights and privileges of the society. So they can not remain blind towards their duties for the society.

The main business of the student: Students are the future hope and citizens of the country. So it is main duty of the students to acquire knowledge. As they are the future leaders, they need to have a sound education which will enable them to do good to the ordinary people. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.

Students and social works: The students have idealism and great energy. This is why they are the first to come forward in works of social service. The common people of Bangladesh suffer from a great number of ills illiteracy, bad customs and superstitions, ignorance of the laws of health and of their rights and duties etc.

Removing illiteracy: The students can do a lot to remove illiteracy by educating the people in the proper way. They may conduct night madrashah and instruct the ignorant about their country’s history, moral values, evils of superstition, need of co-operation, laws of health and social life, duties as citizens etc.

Checking population growth: Population problem is a great problem in our country. But the most of the people of Bangladesh have no knowledge about family planning. As citizens of the country, the students can make the people aware of the value of family planning.

In the field of war: The students can nurse the wounded in the field of war and can save the life of many soldiers.

In agriculture: The students can convince the people of the utility of modern methods of cultivation. They can motivate people to grow more food.

In natural calamities: Bangladesh faces natural calamities every year. During the natural calamities the students can help the distressed people.

Conclusion: Students are the selfless sections of the society. Their services are regarded as noble deeds. They should take active part in these noble deeds.

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