Write a Letter to Company Asking for More Information

letter to Bengal Tour Company asking for more information, e.g. about fares, discounts, detailed schedule, etc
Write a letter to Bengal Tour Company asking for more information, e.g. about fares, discounts, detailed schedule, etc.

Letter About Company Asking for More Information

20 April 2019
The Tour Supervisor
Bengal Tour Company
17/ 1 R.k. Mission Road, Dhaka.

Subject: Prayer for more information about the tour

Dear sir,
Your advertisement for the spring tour is in my hand. It looks great. However, unfortunately, it cannot supply me with details about the tour such as fares, discounts, detailed schedules, etc.

I will be very glad if you send me a brochure with the necessary information. My mailing address is given with this letter.

Thanking you
Kamal Ahmed

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