Write a Letter to Your Friend Give Him Some Information About Computer

Letter to Your Friend Give Him Some Information About Computer classes very soon. As you are very interested in learning more about computers, I am go

Write a Letter to Your Friend Give Him Some Information About Computer

Letter to Your Friend Give Him Some Information About Computer

27 April 2019
Dear Anwar
Assalamu alaikum

How are you? You said your Madrasah is going to start computer classes very soon. As you are very interested in learning more about computers, I am going to tell you about some basic things regarding a Computer. Central Processing Unit, known as CPU in short, the Monitor, and the keyboard are the main parts of the computer. CPU looks like a box. It has a motherboard, the chip, the cards, and the RAMS in it. The monitor working as a TV screen shows you whatever you ask the computer to do. I forgot to tell you what the keyboard is. It is just like a typewriter.

There is a mouse on the computer. Are you surprised? Why and how the mouse comes into the computer. Don’t worry; this mouse is not the real mouse, but a trigonometrically shaped thing that sits by the keyboard. Actually, it is called the mouse because of its shape. You can do different things by clicking on the icons with the mouse.

I hope your computer classes will be great fun for you.

Yours ever

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