Write a Letter About What You Intend to do After Annual Exam

Letter About What You Intend to do After Annual Exam I want to pass my time doing something to enjoy. I will get about 20 days to spend freely. I will

Write a letter to your friend telling him about what you intend to do after the annual exam.

Letter About What You Intend to do After Annual Exam

20 June,
Dear Mahbub,
Best greetings to you. I hope you are well. I am ready to sit for the annual exam now. After the exam, I want to pass my time doing something to enjoy. I will get about 20 days to spend freely. I will go to Cox’s Bazar where is a sea beach and the sunset is seen clearly in the water. I will go there by bus. My cousin, Sakib will accompany me. He is of my same age and class.

I will enjoy sea-beach with sandy mud in the sun. I will mix with the environment. I will also enjoy the sunset scene. After getting back I am willing to go to your house to visit you, and later you will come to our house with me.

With best wishes

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